My initial ideas focused mainly around the 3 different types of CAM equipment that were to be used. The complexities of each design vary depending on the capabilities of each machine. Each are however taken from different sources of inspiration from the film.
My first idea was based on the light cycle, this is the part of the film that really captured my imagination and I could see that being part of the film that most would remember. I designed my speaker under the principle that it would probably need manufacturing using the 3D printer. Mainly because i wanted to develop a complex design with interlocking pieces that were hidden by the external shell represented as the light cycle.
My second idea was developed along with existing speaker designs along with the Tron theme. This design would have used a combination of processes including the 3D printer, CNC router ans the laser cutter. This would probably be most cost effective due to the size would have used all 3 different processes.
My third design was quite simple and was based on the use of the laser cutter. I did not want to use this process how ever as I had developed my skills in this area during my teaching and learning assignment to create a green house project for key stage 3. How ever due to time constraints and limitations of machines this was a design I could have easily constructed within a few days.
I wanted to learn how to manufacture my first idea because I wanted to challenge myself. I also wanted to have the answers for when someone comes up to me in class and wants to design something challenging and complex. Through this process I can now say I would be able to help them manufacture a product using either of the processes although I may need some practice setting up the CNC machine.
Having looked back at my designs now I do wish I had further explored my second idea as I think even though it doesn't seem as complex it would have had its own issues to resolve like any design.